Official Illusion 2013 Line-up Click HERE.
-Updated 12.5.12-
Please Note The Following Changes-
Band Callbacks-Thursday, December 6th, 3:00pm. All songs remain the same.
Vocal Callbacks-Wednesday, December 5th, 3:00pm.
Vocalists must come prepared to sing a verse and chorus of a song of their choice. You must provide a recording of the song (iPhone/iPod).
Choose a song that highlights your voice and that you would want to perform in the show.
Everyone will play "Dreamline" By Rush off the Different Stages album (Entire song) and
"The Trees" by Rush off the Hemispheres album from the beginning (00:00) to 2:18.
Keyboards Must also learn "Subdivisions" by Rush off the Signals album from the beginning (00:00) to 2:40.
Download Songs HERE.
Vocals (Updated 12.5.12)
Vocalists will sing their respective songs (Dreamline and Trees) along with the band.
Vocalists may also be asked to sing another song of their choice (different from their first callback song)
so please be prepared and bring one with you.
Juju Bastone
Erica Quaedvlieg
Samantha Calderon
Amanda Bohlmann
Nicole Giambastioni
Olivia Dean
Erin Geary
Britney DiTocco
Alexa Giha
Jake Stam
Greg Vance
Greg Tock
Matt Montgomery
Anthony Campanella
Tom Hoover
Tori Macchi
Jake Stam
Rob Castriota
Brendan Vreeland
Kevin Dubois
Jack Madden
Jamie Dolan
Mike Frankfurter
Mike Spano
Alanna Belkevich
Mikela Dibello
Nick Russo
Tori Turqman